Thursday, February 28, 2008

February Events

For Valentine's Day Shawn surprised me with a nice dinner during a train ride. We road the Southern Appalachia Railway. The funny part is that this is one of my projects right now at work, I am finishing up a building to house the museum to accompany this train ride and become the train station for visitors. I enjoyed the train ride and we also learned a little about the Secret City, know to us now a days as Oak Ridge. We also had a weekend trip planned for the holiday, a trip to Atlanta to visit the Georgia Aquarium and see The Big Apple Circus. Growing up Granny would take Marcy and I to the Big Apple Circus every year at Shelburne Farms in Vermont, when I saw they would be in Atlanta there was no missing it! Shawn and I also got to see a little of Stone Mountain too, we have plans to make a trip back to camp and see all of Stone Mountain this summer. We had a great time in Atlanta, nice weekend away from K-town. I also had to take and picture and post it of Maurice AND Georgia sitting together. For those of you who know Mo' he is not a very sociable cat and is as independent as any cat can be. I was shocked to see him tolerate Georgy sitting with him. I am sure it was not his idea to share.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Pa

To all who know Pa I wanted to let you know that he is in the very late stages of Alzheimer's. He was diagnosed a few years ago and recently has been overtaken by the disease and suffered a mild stroke. I will be sure to update everyone as I learn his progress. Keep Granny in your thoughts. She is doing well considering how quickly things have changed in their lives. Luckiy she and Pa moved to Florida recently to be closer to my Mom and Uncle so there is a good support system for everyone down here.