Monday, November 19, 2007

Fantasy of Trees

I headed up the volunteer effort to decorate a 7' tree for the annual Fantasy of Trees benefiting the East Tennessee Children's Hospital. Our theme was "Home Tweet Home", a play on words to create a bird and birdhouse theme. More than half the ornaments on the tree are hand made with natural materials we collected and ties into the mountain homes we design. The entire office is very proud of our tree. I am happy to have it completed. It was a lot of hard work and very well worth it! Hopefully the tree will bring in lots of money for the hospital. I was thankful that my office let me do this and put their name on it as well. It really turned out to be a great group effort, many in the office contributed an ornament or two, and an opinion here and there.

1 comment:

Bridgette said...

That is so cool! I'm disappointed that we are not going to be able to go. After Ethan's visit there I feel a special tie to Children's and will support them in the future as much as we can. Great job on the tree!