Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Have not fallen off the face of the Earth yet.....close

What has happened in the past month or two?  Well, I got accepted to graduate school for a Masters in Landscape Architecture.  Now I am an unemployed licensed architect in graduate school (meaning broke) and it all started June 1st.  It is a two month summer session, June being one semester and July the second semester.  I was told (after accepting) that each day of summer school actually represents a WEEK of a regular semester.  Holy %#^$!  I have gone home every night (early morning) and quit....and get up the following morning to repeat the pattern.  I guess that really sums it up.  Shawn has the usual summer football practice every morning and he has done a great job keeping the house together while I am practically living in the architecture building.  We are both looking forward to August, I think I will have a month off (hopefully).