Below is an x-ray of Maurice's teeth from his surgery today. During his yearly exam it was mentioned that his teeth were looking bad (gingivitis) and he needed to have them cleaned. I finally forked over the money to do it about a month ago and come to find out that was just the tip of the iceberg. Maurice has something known as FORs, I can not even begin to tell you want the stands for in medical terms. It is a disease that is being researched heavily as it happens in 60% of ALL cats. Basically his teeth are disintegrating from below the gums and working up. In the x-ray below you can see a tooth of his that has just about disintegrated completely, the "fuzzy" looking tooth to the left in the image. The roots of the other two teeth are "fuzzy" meaning that the decay has worked its way up to the gum line and is causing pain for Mo'. When all his surgeries are said and done (yes, multiple surgeries) he will only have his front teeth left and maybe his upper canines. First prognosis was only four teeth would need to come out but that was only based on a consultation visit and exterior appearance of his teeth.